Portfolio ll Large Scale Steel
Flamboyance of Flamingos
Large scale sculptures can be achieved with relatively efficient and economical techniques such as laser-cutting. The simplest example of this are Pierre’s Flamboyance of Flamingos where cut-out silhouettes are enough to capture the essence of the subject, without figurative elaboration.
Here, the effect is made greater by repeating patterns and overlaying flat shapes to create a jazzy tangle of colour and form. Candy-striped posts give the whole piece a pop art slant – taking a familiar subject away from the obvious and towards the incongruous.
All are made in thermally-zinc-coated steel, professionally coated in polyurethane for durability / all-weather and UV resistance, and set onto galvanised steel bases, suitable for immersion in lakes or water features. Also, effective where sited in a more formal interior or exterior hard-standing or architectural or built environment.
Below : Flamingos 5 metres high, for lake or land.
Flamboyance of Flamingos. Painted steel. (Image: courtesy The Sculpture Park)
Large orange pair, 5 metres high x 1.5 metres wide. Set on a submersible, separate, galvanised steel platform.
Large pink single, 5 metres high x 1 metre wide. Set on a submersible, separate, galvanised steel platform.
Below: Flamingos between 2 and 3 metres high.
May be grouped on a bank, island or in a lake or water feature. Also, more formally on interior or exterior hard-standing or architectural environment. Configuration: the sculpture installation is made up of groups of 5 and 3 on positionable steel bases.
Flamingos between 2 and 3 metres high. Painted steel.